Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Five Things I Am Unnecessarily Stressed Out About

In no particular order...

  • Obligations this month - In the immortal words of Oklahoma's Ado Annie, "I'm just a girl who can't say no." I think she may have been talking about a different kind of social obligation, but the sentiment works. Because I hate to disappoint, I find myself doing things I would rather not. Speaking of....
  • Feeling unprepared - My sister and I are singing on Friday night. In front of a lot of people. And we don't have anything selected. And I don't know when we are going to practice. And did I mention it was THIS FRIDAY NIGHT?!?!?
  • No AC in my classroom - It's been like this for three weeks. It's hot and junior high students are not necessarily known for their stellar personal hygiene. Enough said.
  • Big projects looming - The clubs I sponsor at school put on two of the biggest events of the year. Again this is of my own doing, but it makes me want to hyperventilate just thinking about it. It will be great fun when it's all finished, but planning makes me crazy nervous.
  • Friend issues -The older I get the more friends I seem to have in places away from here. And that means that I can't rush over with a bottle of Southern IL wine or some girls' night out when a friend's in distress. And that's the kind of stuff I love to do because I, of all people, know that sometimes a phone-a-friend just isn't quite enough.


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