Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Waiting Stinks...

The week before a long break just isn't any fun.  I know that I should be thankful that in three days I will have ten (count 'em, T-E-N!) days off.  And I am!  It's just that this week just crawls by, and the children (and I) have more than a little trouble focusing on civil rights or Greek mythology because all we can think about is how nice it's going to be to be away.  For that matter, how nice it would be to be outside right now.  The weather this week is gorgeous!  (Hopefully this means that my friend over at  A Life In Ordinary can get started on her long awaited house!  Thinking positive and dry thoughts for you, friend!)

Other than all that fun waiting, there isn't all that much going on.  I feel like I should mention that I am very near my 100th post.  If it times out right, the 100th one will have a little something special in it for you, so be on the lookout for that.  (see now you have to wait for something too, oh three people who read my blog!)  I got called for federal jury duty yesterday.  Now, I'm all about civic duty and whatnot, but having jury duty in May just isn't going to work with my really tight schedule.  So, I'm asking that you join me in prayer for an excuse from this particular round of duty.  I'm praying that they have mercy on this poor teacher and let her go.  I believe that it's what Jesus would want too.  (hopefully.  I mean, I don't think He would want me to miss the last two major track meets of the season.)  I'm sure you can look forward to seven more posts between now and next week, now that 100 is so close.  Maybe I'll throw a party.  Maybe I already am...


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