Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekend Update

I had a great weekend, but I have absolutely no pictures to show for it.  ( I know, total blog fail.)  Friday was a half day, so I ended up going to Paducah with my parents.  We went to a local jeweler and I fell in love with this designer.  While seriously out of my price range, it was fun to play around a bit.  Maybe someday...

I got up early and ran errands on Saturday morning, which is further proof that being an adult is not nearly as fun as I once imagined.  Of course, much of this imagining was based on some kind of weird TV version of what I thought you got to do as an adult, mixed with the belief that being an adult meant you had all the answers and all the power.  (Could I have been more wrong?)  On Saturday night, I made a lasagna (yes, I can cook a few things well) and had dinner with my family at Mom and Dad's.  It was relaxed and fun, and while I got absolutely no laundry done, it was nice.  Sunday after church, we had dinner at the family farm house for my mom's birthday (she somehow managed to celebrate for a week, which she says you should get to do at her age) and then I went back to church for prayer group. (Which I wrote about last night, sort of.)

When you see it like this it doesn't really seem like much, but it made for a pretty full weekend.  It seems like whole weeks go whizzing by before I even have time to process them.  It would be nice to slow down but, I highly doubt that I will somehow.  Tomorrow marks the start of home basketball games for me, and it makes for a very full slate.  Of course, I've never been one to shy away from a full schedule. 


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