Monday, January 3, 2011

I've Got A New Year's Resolution For You...

Before I go telling you want I want out of this new year, let's take a minute and see how I did meeting last year's goals.

The short answer is not that well.  I'm still chubby, disorganized, and have no real plan for grad school.  However, I did manage to blog a bunch and take a lot of pictures.  All hope is not lost in other words. 

I've decided that this year I am not going to make resolutions.  I am going to work on losing some weight.  Sheena's wedding is in October, as is my 30th birthday, and I believe that if I will just do what I know works (eating right and exercising), I will be able to at least get in better shape.  I just don't like how I feel right now, and I know that I could do better. 

Other than that, this year is wide open.  I've said that 2011 will be the year I get my crap together.  I really want that to be true.  And on top of that, I would like to act my age.  Being a drama queen or a busybody isn't cute at 30.  It probably wasn't cute at 20, either, to be honest.  I want to stop taking things so personally.  Not everything is an attack against me.  And even if it is, I need to know the facts before I begin my rampage.  I think I finally realized that I have a lot of growing up to do.  And this will be my year.

What are your plans for 2011?  Let me hear them in the comments!


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