Sunday, April 17, 2011

Prayer Monday -- April 18, 2011

It's Holy Week.  One of the things I loathed as a child, but fondly remember as an adult is going to Mass during the week before Easter.  Holy Thursday, with the washing of the feet and, as I got older, singing, "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" from the balcony.  Good Friday with its overwhelming sense of mourning and Ms. Lewis singing "Were You There" that still gives me chills even as I think of it today.   The waiting of the Easter Vigil.  All leading up to the celebration of the Resurrection of the Savior on Easter Morning, complete with a brand new dress and a basket full of goodies.  I know why He went to the cross.  He went for me and for you.  Praise Him!

  • Uncle James is doing so well!  He's breathing in his own more and more and has reached several other good milestones.  Auntie remains steadfast and generally awesome as they walk this road together!   I so appreciate all of your prayers, and will certainly ask for them to continue through this recovery process.
  • For all my friends who are or are becoming mamas.  I pray for safe deliveries and healthy babies.  Can't wait to meet these sweet ones!  Also, this would be a good time to add in a mama in a less conventional way, my blog friend and yours, Amy Beth.  She's a foster mom to teens (and a little one), and she's certainly jumping in with both feet, for which I highly commend her.  But I know she would covet your prayers, too!  (Hop over to her blog to learn more!  She's fabulous!)
  •  For Jayce, who I talked about last week.  He's doing well considering all he's been through.  But what child should have to face so much in such a short life?
  • For Lucy and her parents, Erik and Kate.  Kate's talked about the peace she's had this week, and she knows that it comes from God and is because of the prayers of His people.
  • I have a personal request that I am just not at liberty to share.  But God knows, and I'm believing that He will do what we are asking Him to do.
  • That I can get my act together and focus on getting healthy.  My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and let's just say that it looks more like a tenement than it does a cathedral!  
Father God, sometimes I just don't know where to begin.  There are so many requests, so many big things, that our requests seem so small.  But, I know that You hear us and better yet, You are for us!  I praise You for giving Your life, though sinless and blameless, for me--for us all--while we were still in sin.  Thank You for loving us when we are wholly unlovable.  Be with us this week.  Be with each of our requests, and with each woman who participates.  Help us to have an Easter week solely focused on the blessings of an empty tomb.  In the Name of Jesus, our Savior, I pray.  Amen!


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