Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I know that I am not that old, realistically.  But today, I feel it.  I went with my seniors to the theme park yesterday.  I walked many a hill in my New Balance toning shoes.  And today, my legs are very, very sore.  And my brain is very, very tired. 

I know that I've mentioned, perhaps too often, that I have two incredible busy weeks during my school year.  One is Homecoming week, the other is this week--Graduation.  I try to keep telling myself that it's a marathon and not a sprint.  But as I look at the to-do list and the amount of time left, I have to admit I am more than a little stressed. 

When friends have gotten married, I always tell the bride that no matter what happens, at the end of the day she will be married and that's what counts.  I'm trying to look at this week the same way.  No matter what is rough about it, by the time Sunday gets here, it will all be over for another year.  But Friday, when I am curled up in a ball having my annual freak out, someone may need to repeat it for me.

In other words, pray for me.


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