Thursday, May 12, 2011

What I Was Going To Say Yesterday

I don't really apologize for the word vomit that was my last post, but I realize that I don't normally post about things that I don't talk about on the blog.  I needed to get it all out there in this situation however, and I really wanted to document exactly how I was feeling so that I can look back on it.  Because--and here's a fun fact--it's a lot easier to just be nice than it is to stand up for yourself.  And this is one of those times where I'm going to have to stand up, and I don't want to forget that.

Anyway, because of the turn of events yesterday, I didn't actually blog about any of things I was planning on blogging about when I got home.  The big news is that Tara is home!   Her arrival marks the beginning of what will no doubt go down as Baby Watch 2011.  (I feel like it needs a header and some fancy intro music like on the news!)  We're trying to convince Macy to stay put until after her shower, but after that it's anyone's guess when she will decide to show up.  I cannot wait to meet her and I know that Tara's going to be such an amazing mom!

I've actually gotten to see at least some of my friends more than usual over the last few days, which is a little strange.  Over the weekend, Casey and I went to see (some might say stalked, but there's no restraining order--yet) our favorite band.  Friday night, we went to a street fair and bought some goodies for Macy while we listened and Saturday we went to a local winery.  (Oh, summertime weather and sangria--how I've missed you!)  I stopped by the studio and saw Sheena before I went to meet Amber for dinner last night, and then went out to see Tara.  After that, Crystal called on me (to talk about the unpleasantness, but we kept talking after that).  Crystal calling the biggest shock because she absolutely hates the phone.  When I saw her number pop up, I was pretty sure someone had died.  Luckily, everyone was fine.  (Well, physically anyway.)  I may get spoiled by actually seeing all these people regularly again, but that's totally the joy of it almost being summer.  My schedule still has a few tight spots in it, but in a couple of weeks it will be all smooth sailing.    I can't wait!


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